Wine-Up and detoxes in Portugal

The women behind Wine-Up (now filmed as the series Bittersweet on and Net5), Yvanka van der Zwaan and Mieke Kosters, have followed a Health Holiday in Portugal. Wondering how they experienced this?

It was a top week, our week juice fast in Portugal. And that while everyone explained to us in advance: “You guys? A week without food and wine and sport three times a day? On a vacation ??? “Well it is in itself the intention that for your detox week a little bit less with coffee and wine. But yes … you guessed it, that did not work out very well. Nor does it reduce smoking. As a result, we went Cold Turkey and we had some headaches the first few days. But on the fourth day that was completely gone.

The daily program looked like this:

  • 7.00 am get up and walk or run
  • 8.30 hours of water with lemon
  • 9. 00 fruit juice (really delicious, very sweet and the most delicious drink of the day)
  • 11.00 hours of yoga or cardio work-out
  • 12.30 lunch juice (tomato and cucumber, not really our favorite, you get this in thermoso you can do whatever you want with your juice in your backpack)
  • 4 pm aqua gym (in the sea or in the pool)
  • 5.30 pm evening juice (vegetables)

And … you might be surprised: except for the daily Aquagym, we did everything with blood fanatic.
Something crazy happens during such a week: you do not have to do anything at all. Everyone is really only there for themselves, to become fit and healthier. You do not need anything, everything is allowed. Sometimes we already slept at 9 p.m. in the evening, while at home we never succeed for 0.00 hours. During the day we went to the beach or – during some colder days – to the spa. When will you get this opportunity now? Sports, healthy eating (well, drinking), reading, relaxing, sleeping when you want, shopping and hours of time to chat and last but not least: lose weight. We are both lost between 3.5 and 5 kilos. They will probably come back soon but now we believe that they will stay away forever.

Just at a glance what we find the advantages and disadvantages:

Benefits :

  • A week of sunbathing (besides sports, you have to do nothing at all, really comes from a winter dip …, many people go alone)
  • New energy good intentions to eat healthier
  • Lost kilos; together 7.2
  • Muscles! We even have a bit of a muscular belly. If you look closely.
  • The Portugal location of HH is really great with sauna where you can go for free and fun outings (villages, shopping, walk along the cliffs)

Cons :

  • You only drink juice; is quite heavy and not always tasty
  • Sometimes you get really, really hungry. But everything gets used!
  • You let the tasty fish, which Portugal is known for, voluntarily pass you by (and that wine too)….

Good tip: take your too small dress with the card still in for the last day. If you fit it, you will go home really radiant! We are going again next year!

Would you like to read more about Health Holidays in Portugal? Read more!

Wine up

July 4, 2018