Why is a Health Holiday good for me?

Health Holidays offers the perfect solution for those who want to feel amazing, both physically and mentally. It is the best start to a new life, because blood and lymphatic vessels are cleansed and the blood circulation of all organs is improved. People are visibly revived every day and are often able to reduce or stop their use of medication. Participation in the Health Holiday detox and sports programme will visibly benefit you for a longer period of time. Losing a lot of weight or giving up smoking or other additive habits are added bonuses. Another advantage is that you will become more aware of your health and will want to retain the energy generated by a Health Holiday for as long as possible.

Humankind was simply not made to eat heated food. Humans are the only creatures in nature that heat their food, and consequently many common ailments such as cancer, heart disorders and diabetes are only found in humans. Heating food causes the essential vitamins, amino acids and especially enzymes to disappear rapidly, and because of this, you miss out on these important nutrients. In addition, heating food changes its molecular structure, making it toxic. These toxic elements end up in your body and stick to tissues, vessels and organs, causing all kinds of physical problems over the years such as depression, cold hands and/or feet, arteriosclerosis, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma and skin problems. The average person’s resistance to stress and disease is declining at a shocking rate, and it is now clear that many medical treatments do not tackle the cause of physical and mental problems.

Although the human body is very flexible and self-regulating and can fight off the consequences of unhealthy food for years, eventually your body will no longer be able to handle the consequences of your diet. Essential organs and vessels will become clogged up by a thick layer of plaque, rendering an optimal circulation impossible. This can lead to metabolic disorders, anaemia, high cholesterol, gout, high blood pressure, thyroid problems, listlessness and obesity. These are all unpleasant consequences of a lack of biological minerals and a disturbed hormonal balance, because glands that do not receive enough blood do not function properly. Nutrients are absorbed more easily from raw, unprocessed fruit and vegetables. The finer the fruit and vegetables are when they enter our digestive system, the more our body will benefit from them. That is why you are given freshly pressed and highly concentrated juices at Health Holidays, so that your intestines will not have to do as much work. Our juices pass through the intestinal wall very quickly and the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream almost immediately.

After a couple of days of juice fasting, you will notice that you do not feel hungry, because your body receives all the nutrients it needs in their optimal form. Your body will finally have the opportunity to get rid of all its waste. A Health Holiday is a detox holiday during which you do not have to do anything, except enjoy yourself and exercise regularly.

June 12, 2018